As the winners of mutual lotteries
of genetic and social privilege
compete before a billion worldwide eyes—

the Curiosity Rover comes of age,
beams back her Martian panoramic snaps,
that I glimpsed scrolling down a Facebook page

to make my escape through a finger tap
to view a world devoid or rain or snow,
more cause than podiums and victory laps

to sing, “Oh man, look at those cavemen go!”

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. peter litton
    Aug 09, 2012 @ 23:47:40

    It’s progress but a different kind of progress…

    To force misogynistic Islamic countries to include women in their teams.

    To allow women to participate in previously closed sports (much to Eire’s joy)

    To give the kids in impoverished troubled countries like Jamaica a sense of pride.

    And when you think about it, aren’t many of the things we do just games to tax our ingenuity and need for thrills…like landing our toys on Mars.


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